The True Cost of Modern Dating for Young Men
What’s the cost of dating in the modern world?
A recent CNBC article noted that some singles are forking over hundreds — even thousands — of dollars each month in the hopes of finding love.
This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.
The revenue model of popular dating apps like Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, and Match is predicated on paid users. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the best matches go to the best customers.
But the issue with modern dating isn’t the cost of the dating apps themselves. It’s the impact it’s having on our society, specifically the effect it’s having on men.
Dating apps eliminate the challenge that goes with searching for a potential mate. In doing so, they deprive young men of the opportunity to become men. What used to be a ritualistic process of entering into manhood — meeting a girl in the wild and facing the prospect of rejection — is no more. As a result, boys don’t have a process to prove themselves and they don’t have a way for them to publicly enter the ranks of manhood.
Without a process to become a man, the brains of young men are literally being rewired. Their sexual needs are being met with a never ending stream of porn, while dating apps make it easy for them to continually stroke their egos with a single…