Ready to Reskill? You’ll Want to Master These Two Types of Skills First.

Amanda Claypool
9 min readAug 7, 2024
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Remember when a good resume used to be enough to get you a good job?

All you had to do was list your education and work experience with a few bullet points to validate whether or not you were qualified for the job you were applying to.

Those days are long gone. Now, instead of just furnishing a resume, many employers want you to validate your skills. This might entail a formal test where you tackle a case study or an algorithm, completing a trial assignment to provide the prospective employer with a sample of your work, or furnishing a certification obtained by a third-party provider.

In competitive jobs like working for a management consulting firm like McKinsey or getting a job at a top tech company in Silicon Valley, aspiring employees prepare for technical interviews in much the same way a high schooler prepares for the SAT. They practice problem sets, form study groups, and even hire tutors to help them.

Now that AI is competing with humans for jobs in the knowledge sector of the economy, it’s becoming more imperative than ever for workers to master specialized skills.

There’s just one problem: most knowledge workers don’t actually know what skills are or how to obtain them.



Amanda Claypool

I write about the future of the world as it’s unfolding. Download my reading list: